Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Raise minimum wage for government contractors', and that's and order!

The headline reads, "Obama to raise minimum wage for government contract workers". The article reads just that. President Obama has set forth an executive order to raise the Federal minimum wage for government contract workers. This is a large jump from the current $7.25 to the ordered $10.10. This would go into effect only on new contracts after 2015 and only for those government contractors. 75% of contractors make less than $10 and hour and 20% are dependent on Medicaid, 14 % utilize food stamp assistance. The executive branch is looking to increase morale, reduce turnover and boost productivity of their contractors. They plan on raising the Federal minimum wage for all employees shortly thereafter.

I found this article interesting and worth reading because of it's gravity towards our nation in whole. Also, the percentage of the minimum wage proposed to be raised is drastic in my opinion. It is relevant to me because I work fairly low wage jobs while in school, and hope to see and reverberation into my wages with the raise in the Federal minimum. Though this is probably wishful thinking. I chose this article because of it's relation to my situation and because of the weight it holds as a national policy. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Politically I align myself slightly toward the conservative side. I believe in small governments, minimal assistance, and personal freedoms.  Growing up in suburban Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, I encountered people from all walks of life. I lived in an area that was lower-middle class.  From this I witnessed the countless amounts that would “use the system”. This, in large part, shaped my views politically. The solution I saw to that problem was taking their access to these heavily abused benefits. I believe that people should work hard and carve their own trail, not live off of government subsidies, merely because “they can”.  My view is people where I come from, lower-middle class, are often afforded greater opportunities and thus have equal, if not greater, paths to success. Though, most others where I grew up with carried a defeated, “woe-is-me” attitude.

I tend to side republican, with former president Bill Clinton, a democrat and Chris Christie, republican New Jersey governor, being among my political idols. I see each man as very honest, yet aggressive politically. What they do behind closed doors is neither here nor there in my eyes.  I do not currently vote as I am of the stubborn mindset that my vote only counts “in theory”.  I’m taking this class to fulfill certain requirements for my degree and a genuine interest in our world. I also hope to get a much better and enriched view of our nation’s government, as I am very open minded and impressionable politically.